Chapter 63 Daddy Was Dead

Natalie was indeed staring at Samuel without blinking, but it was still embarrassing to be pointed out by Xavian. She felt so awkward that she hoped the ground would swallow her up.

“Don’t be silly, Xavian!” Natalie cleared her throat.

“I’m not being silly! Mommy, you are adding the steak sauce into the salad! The salad is ruined!” Xavian pouted.

Natalie lowered her gaze at the salad in her bowl.

Just like what Xavian had said, she was adding the spicy sauce she added to the steak just now into the salad bowl.

She knew that Xavian was telling the truth, but there was no way she could bring herself to admit that she was indeed staring at Samuel.

“You don’t get it. I like eating this way.” Trying to pretend nothing had happened, Natalie stuffed a mouthful of salad topped with the spicy steak sauce into her mouth without hesitation.

The steak sauce was never a good combination with the salad.

However, she had to maintain her image in front of her son, so she kept a straight face despite the weird taste in her mouth.

Hang in there! You can’t embarrass yourself in front of your son!

swallow the salad, and Xavian did not notice anything wrong with his

glass with soft drinks. He looked amused and was wearing

is so cute

the greasy dishes and cutleries and rolled up her sleeves. She then piled the dishes up and carried them

dragged Samuel into his

his bed while Samuel sat on the floor mat. They stared

weren’t interested in Mommy when we met last time!” said Xavian as he rested his chin on his hand

“You’re right.”

you know I am not lying to you, don’t you? So, do you regret saying that? Are you

I’m not changing my

Samuel was only playing with his mother’s feelings, he exclaimed, “How dare you flirt with my mommy when you have

fact, from the very beginning, your mommy is the only woman in my heart,”

you’ve fallen for my mommy since a

after a few moments

Xavian nodded in satisfaction.

wearing the hyper-realistic

you want to win my mommy’s heart. She is probably hurt

mean your

suddenly went missing five years ago and is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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