Chapter 76 Complicated

Natalie stepped out of the changing room after she finished changing.

Once she got out, she immediately saw Samuel and the kids clad in matching outfits a well.

“As I thought, it looks great on you. I expected nothing less from the lady I’ve set my eyes on.” Franklin flashed her a bright smile before continuing in a bossy tone, “Daddy, take a picture of me and Natalie. I want to set it as my wallpaper.”

Hearing that, Sophia wanted a picture with Natalie as well. “Me too…”

Natalie was still furious about the kiss just now, but she really couldn’t resist both Sophia and Franklin’s charms. As such, she would try to fulfill their wishes when asked.

Franklin and Sophia stood beside Natalie, one on the left and the other on the right, and they all struck a pose before the shutter went off.

Samuel rarely took pictures. It did not matter if they were pictures of him or pictures of other people.

A slight smile was seen on his face when the camera lens faced the three of them.

The hyper-realistic mask might have changed and distorted Natalie’s facial structure, but her eyes were still never changing, still so full of warmth, and were as clear as the bright blue skies.

The scene that he saw was so warm that he forgot to shift his gaze, as he just stood there in awe.

Natalie was like an attractive and addictive mystery. He could not pull himself away from her, and he could only move closer.

walked towards the field

how important Natalie was to Samuel, seeing how Molly was fired just like that. As such, nobody dared tease or insult Natalie over

were still some parents that were

the ones

coincidentally, there were

started to run with the

runner, Sophia. When Sophia was running, however, she accidentally tripped, and

up, she realized that she was already the

but she hung on when she remembered



could only

Watch us as we get that

baton and ran as

amazing, and in just an instant, she was already in second

runs faster than any normal

one had to wonder exactly how much effort she put into her own physical training. This was not the

was lost in thought for one second, but that did not affect anything. He took

masculine and toned physique, like a leopard, and he ran past the first runner in no

the end, no doubt, Samuel was the one who

hands before continuing, “See, I told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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