Chapter 106 You Are An Animal

Jerome’s hands were now gripping Yandel’s collar tightly.

“How on earth would I know, Jerome?” Dumbfounded, Yandel paused to compose himself before adding, “I don’t know the details, but I believe she must have her reason for doing so.”

“What reason could there possibly be?” Anger flitted past Jerome’s dark eyes as he barked, “What on earth could be more important than her own life?”

All Yandel could do was helplessly purse his lips.

He, too, was worried about Natalie’s wellbeing and safety.

However, the intensity of his worry was nothing compared to Jerome’s.

Just as Yandel was scratching his head over how to reassure Jerome, his phone rang.


“Yandel, it’s me.” Natalie’s calm voice traveled from the phone’s speakers, sending a rush of relief down Yandel’s spine.

“Boss, are you all right?” he instantly asked.

“It was only a small injury,” Natalie replied smilingly on the other end of the call. “I won’t die from it.”

Before Yandel could finish his words, Jerome, who was right beside him,

healthy lady like yourself talk about death all the time? It’s

upon hearing Jerome’s voice. She teased, “You little rascal, how could you


younger than her and had followed her around like a loyal

of that, he often got picked on by the kids in his town. It was Natalie who threw stones


the grandson of Finley Blackburn, a significant figure within the military and political world. Not only that, but he was also the sole descendant of the Blackburn family. Thus, one could

think you’re calling a little rascal?” Jerome

want to be my


to let both of you know that I’m safe and sound. Yes, I got hurt, but it’s nothing serious.

not argue with her. Thus, he let out a grumpy huff as

Natalie ended the

little boy who constantly followed behind her and addressed her politely. Now, he had grown into a fine man and had become the youngest lieutenant

help but feel proud of

then, Samuel opened the ward’s door and entered. As soon as he noticed Natalie holding her phone, a tense smile curled

were you on the phone with?” Samuel asked, feigning ignorance. “Was it a guy

“A guy.”

swiftly approached and pushed Natalie down onto the

plan hatched in Natalie’s mind as she wanted to retaliate against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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