Chapter 141 What Happened To You

Even after Samuel had walked away, Natalie still had to cover her neck.

He did that on purpose! He just wants Shawn to notice it and realize that I belong to him!

Natalie knew that, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

The Bowers family was too powerful.

When Shawn spotted Natalie returning to the main hall, he walked over to her side again.

“Natalie, you…” Shawn sized her up. “What happened to your neck?”

It was not possible for Natalie to speak the truth, nor could she possibly remove her hand from her neck and let Shawn notice the hickey.

“My neck feels a little sore…”

“Are you sick? Should I call a doctor for you?”

“It’s not a big deal.” Something flashed across the depths of Natalie’s eyes as she swallowed her guilt and replied, “Mr. Watsons, it’s getting late. I should be heading back now.”

I’ll send you

him. “It’s fine. I can go back by myself. Besides, the banquet hasn’t ended yet. Old Mr. Watsons has

Natalie’s determination, Shawn could only respect

“I’m leaving.”


he stared at the back of Natalie’s silhouette, affection flashed across

but he was already

hall, she quickly put down

serves him right to be called

only felt slightly better after

pool at the entrance of the main hall and spotted a toddler who must have only been around three years old. The toddler

toddler jumped excitedly. However, due to his small stature, he couldn’t balance himself well, and he found himself toppling over


he was about to fall into the water, Natalie rushed

time, she herself ended up tripping and falling into

water splashed out from the

was as she

realizing that Natalie had fallen into the water as well, he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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