Chapter 169 Accept The Fact

Xavian, who was too worried about Natalie, insisted on joining Samuel on the yacht.

The young boy became drowsy when it was around two o’clock in the morning. He struggled to stay awake.

“Xavian, you should go home and get some rest. I’ll have Billy send you home,” Samuel said.

Xavian widened his eyes and said stubbornly, “I don’t want to go home. I want to search for Mommy with you. I will not rest before I find Mommy.”

Even with Samuel’s help, Xavian was still anxious about his mother’s disappearance. After all, Natalie was everything to him and Clayton. If anything happened to Natalie, they would become orphans.

He was scared and worried, but he had to try his best to remain calm and strong.

should go home and

I want my mommy! I’m

to stay strong all this while. However, he could no longer hold back his tears at that moment.

“Why are you crying? Do you think

clenched his fists and replied without

head and added, “Your mom is only missing, and I promise you that

Xavian and himself. There was no

attractive lady to him. However, as

find Natalie

sniffled and grabbed Samuel’s arm. “Thank you, Mr. Bowers. I will never forget what you

“Go on home.”

by Samuel, Xavian followed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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