Chapter 191 He Will Die With Me

The Collins family started as a crime family hundreds of years ago. When Christopher’s father, Romeo Collins, took over the Collins family, he decided to put a stop to it and start a legal business.

Although the name of the Collins family had been cleared, the family still had great influence in the underworld.

As such, no one dared to go against the Collins family even though the family was no match for the Bowers family or the Watsons family in terms of wealth.

After all, the rich wouldn’t want to lose their lives.

Christopher looked into the pair of eyes staring back at him. Not even a hint of fear could be seen in Natalie’s eyes.

A lot of men were scared to their wits when they were facing him.

She was the first woman he met who dared to stare right into his eyes and ask him a question so calmly.

At that moment, he wanted to know more about the woman in front of him, who was disguising herself as a male.

After he walked toward her, he took off her glasses and found that her eyes were attractive.

This woman…

are the one playing

felt her heart

Yandel could recognize her through the veil, it was still understandable since he had known her

met her. Not only did he see through her disguise, but

observant Christopher

chin with his fingers.

attractive yet

like a fierce wolf, and this guy gives me an impression of

of her was even more difficult to deal with than

question, I

said. If I tell others that you are now suffering from a serious disease and will die


soon as she said that, her right arm was immediately dislocated by

death will solve everything,”

it was immensely painful, she did not even make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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