Chapter 217 That Does Not Feel Good


Over at the Beckers residence, Hans decided to spend more quality time with Yana. With that, he transferred the ownership of Crown Entertainment to Natalie.


There was no way to cure Yana’s disease unless they could get their hands on the dragonblood fruit. In the meantime, Yana could only rely on Natalie’s treatment to relieve the symptoms.


Yana could not help but knit her brows when Natalie inserted needles through her skin.


After completing the treatment, Natalie asked, “How do you feel?”



“My body seems more relaxed ever since I started taking medicine and receiving your treatment regularly,” Yana said with a grin. “I always tell Hans that you’re more powerful than any divine healer. Only you could prevent the relapse of my cardiac problem.”



“I’m glad that you’re not in pain anymore,” Natalie said.


As an observant person, Yana noticed the frown on Natalie’s face when the latter was administering the treatment. “You’re not very optimistic about my illness, aren’t you?”



a moment before


and crystal needles, the effect was just temporary.


Yana would have a hard time accepting the truth, but Yana responded calmly by holding Natalie’s hands. “I resign to my fate. Both


not appeared in my life. Please don’t feel bad for me.


sank when she


to stop blaming herself, the more guilty Natalie felt. “Don’t overthink, Yana. I’m sure you can recover. I’ve sent people to look for


steady voice. “I’ve not given up on


“Okay.” Yana nodded.


had completed, her son, Zoe, ran up to Natalie. “Thank you for


bowed and said, “Daddy and Mommy


had warmed Natalie’s heart. “Don’t worry. I’ll try my best to help


repay your kindness when I




Yana and her son, but at the same


was the dragonblood fruit, but it was


on the street. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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