Chapter 277 Satisfactory Sleep

Natalie’s heart started pounding wildly from the sudden rush of passion.




However, she was still intoxicated by the alcohol, so her body was very weak. She could hardly move at that point, let alone pushed the man kissing her away.


And while that was going on, Natalie managed to squeeze a few words out of her mouth.

“You monster!”




Samuel was stunned for a moment before he grabbed hold of her chin to force her to look at him.


“Look at me. Who am I?”


Natalie said nothing. Even though she was drunk, she could still recognize the man in front of her. Samuel was the only man who would dare kiss her like that.


With the help of the alcohol, she got emboldened.







that, Samuel bit her lip with all his


in pain as she stared at the


it nicely. Who




a little calloused, so his touch made Natalie tremble as the electrifying


“You’re Samuel. Samuel Bowers!”


times before she stared at


sleep, so


a little tipsy. Still, it was hooking


that moment, all he could think of was how to arouse the woman in front of him and make her


afraid that taking Natalie now was taking


was dying to have her,


his chin on her shoulder.


she would be uncomfortable, Samuel undressed Natalie


movements were as light as a


definitely a test of willpower when he


done changing


he was tempted to go even further by the lingering sense of touch


night, she had a


hand, could barely calm down and needed


morning, Natalie woke up in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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