Chapter 288 Call Me Professor Bowers

Teach what?

“Samuel, you—”

“You can call me Professor Bowers in bed.”

With that, Samuel sucked her earlobes as his warm breath puffed against her neck.

Other than that night six years ago, Natalie had zero experiences in sex. Because of the drug effects, Natalie could only remember intense pain and agony from that night.

Samuel’s acts had already surpassed what Natalie was mentally prepared for.

His kisses landed on her skin like a brand, leaving behind his unique scent.

As the seconds passed by, his rationality began to fade away.

All Natalie could feel was Samuel’s kisses landing on her body. The belt around her waist had already been loosened.

The veins on Samuel’s forehead were throbbing, while sweat rolled down his head. He wished for nothing more than to pull this petite woman into his arms and merge into one with her.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Even so, Samuel was still immersed in lust, while Natalie had already regained her rationality.

knocking on the

instructed Samuel through

on the door, he

must be

go of her, Natalie took a leaf out of his book and bit his lips forcefully,

him aside, Natalie

herself, she noticed how disheveled her clothes were. Quickly smoothening her robe, she tied the

standing alone outside, hugging a huge

gazing at her with her large


called her “Mommy” for the first

natural the more Sophia called Natalie that, so the girl decided to address Natalie as

Why aren’t you asleep yet? Do you have trouble sleeping?” asked Natalie gently as she squatted

she was willing to give everything in the world

Sophia confirmed with a nod

scared by



worried I would be scared,” explained Sophia in a child-like voice. “The thunder stopped, and they fell asleep. But since they’re

did not expect Sophia to

“Can I?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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