Chapter 312 He Is Too Shallow

The moon was bright, and there weren’t many stars in the dark sky.

The autumn breeze was cooling and refreshing.

Natalie had spent the entire day in the autopsy laboratory.

The intense pressure from her work kept her on her toes every second. At last, she could finally catch a breath now.




Natalie caught a glimpse of Steven getting off his sports car.


Steven walked over to Natalie. “There was something Sam had to deal with at the office, so he might not be back tonight.”




Natalie nodded then placed her helmet on the handlebar.




“Then, why are you here?”



Steven explained with a chuckle, “Grandpa fetched the twins for lunch at his house after school ended. I just brought them back from there. They’re currently sleeping in the backseat.”


carry them




bent down and carried


surrounding her, Sophia wrapped her


“Mom… Mommy…”


here. Don’t worry. Go


bring the latter back to sleep. Patience and gentleness shone in her


Luckily, Franklin slept like a log. He merely mumbled something under


the twins back


stealthily made her way out of the room


cared for the twins.


difference between Natalie’s and Yara’s earlier


were the twins


help when he carried the twins into the car earlier. All she cared


contrast, this woman, who wasn’t related to the twins, had cared so sincerely for


finally understood why the picky twins didn’t care for anyone else other than this


was worthy of their


through Steven’s mind. She had never considered her actions to be worth bragging. They were simply what


Nichols, I have


Natalie turned


you going to do if the twins’ mother

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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