Chapter 352 An Entourage Of Lawyers

Yandel left the company and sped toward the police station downtown in his Maybach.

Dream Corporation’s legal team followed closely behind in a huge bus. The entourage consisted of tens of lawyers.

The legal director had a vague idea that they were on a mission to rescue someone out of prison, but the rest of the legal team were completely clueless as to why they were tagging along. Even so, they could tell from the number of lawyers present that the issue was of a large magnitude.

However, when they pulled up by the roadside, the legal team was astounded to see the number of busses and luxury cars parked in front of the police station.

This is insane!

What is up with today?

What could possibly demand the presence of so many lawyers and attorneys?

The police station was jam-packed with people. Yandel, Ross, and the legal director managed to shove their way in while the rest of the legal team were on standby on the bus.

Familiar faces greeted them once they entered.

Samuel, Steven, Hans, Yana, and Shawn had gathered at the police station.

Yandel and Ross exchanged looks as they both realized that they were late to the party; Natalie already had a whole rescue team made up of people who were far more prominent and influential than the Dream Corporation.

In other circumstances, Yandel would have been jealous that he was not Natalie’s only knight in shining armor, but he had more important things to deal with at the moment.

so many people rallying for her release, Yandel

let alone with so many attorneys in tow.

about the alleged poisoning, she was not a suspect of the crime. Hence, the police department never expected that so many bigshots would show up

could not afford to cross these people, the police took extra caution when they

lawyers were the first to arrive. They cut to the chase and started to

the officer on duty recorded the necessary details, he




the room volunteered in

is this woman? What power does she hold over these people that they would rush to bail her out without batting an

officer was in awe. After all, being a surety was grueling and unrewarding. While Natalie was out on bail, any problems she stirred up would have to

will it be?” The

took the initiative and signed his name on the

“Oh, all right.”

one. It took up to forty

fleeing, the police attached an ankle monitor to Natalie before

toward Natalie the moment


“Boss, you scared us!”

family will follow up on this case. Don’t worry. We won’t let you receive

Natalie’s throat as she scanned the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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