Chapter 355 Saved From The Brink

Natalie’s back stiffened.

With great proficiency and gracefulness, Natalie inserted the needles into Lia’s acupoints.

Ten minutes later, she managed to insert forty-nine crystal needles in total.

As time went on, the acupoints began to react strangely. Veins were bulging and turning brown-black at the same time.

Lionel was astounded by the sight, as this was the first time he saw such a technique within traditional medicine.

After that, the phenomenon continued to emanate throughout Lia’s body to the extent her neck and face were covered by black bulging veins.

Furrowing her brows, Lia grimaced in pain.

Under normal circumstances, she would have already been woken up by the pain.

However, her eyes remained tightly shut. Despite that, her eyelashes were fluttering while her entire body was twitching. She looked as if she was unable to wake from a nightmare.

of black blood with a loud

asked Natalie, “Why is she

vomiting it out.” Glancing at Lionel, Natalie added, “She has been throwing up since the banquet and still has a lot more poisoned blood to get out of her system. Anyway, you should now wipe your arm clean,

at her words, Natalie frowned

the matter? Are you unwilling to donate blood to


leaving the ward, Lionel contacted the hospital’s blood

Unfortunately, they were not biological siblings and naturally didn’t have the same blood type. As a result,

wiped the black blood thrown up by Lia with a

body, Natalie inserted crystal needles wherever there were bulging black veins. Her objective was to

all, traditional medicine had in-depth

from the microbiological level, traditional medicine makes its diagnosis

as modern medicine would have concluded that the poison was already in her blood, and there was no

moment, Natalie’s body was splattered with black blood. Despite the sweat dripping down her forehead, she maintained her focus

Natalie, Samuel felt concerned but was also filled with

woman may be feisty and decisive on the outside, but has a heart brimming

he looked at her, the deeper he

Bowers family banquet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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