Chapter 361 Nichols Everywhere

“Got it, Clayton.”

After nodding with conviction, Xavian ran to the telephone poll and made the emergency call.

“Hello? Miss? I’m now at a telephone pole with serial number L-109X. There’s an old man here holding his chest in pain as if he is having a heart attack…”

While Xavian was making the emergency call, Clayton looked around for a public defibrillator.

Previously, he was intrigued to see them and had asked Natalie about their usage.

Given his interest, Natalie not only told him on how to use it but also demonstrated it once for him.

Even though Clayton had only seen it used once, the steps were clearly seared into his mind.

“Mister, the ambulance will be here anytime soon.” Pasting the metal strips of the defibrillator on Kenneth’s chest, Clayton reassured him, “Hang in there. My mom told me before that the will to live is extremely important. I know you’re in terrible pain, but I beg of you. You have to endure it!”

Despite how Clayton was trying his best to stay calm, his heart was already pounding furiously.

After all, he was aware that Kenneth’s life was in danger.


Kenneth could see

his hopes of survival on the

being amused by it, Kenneth was invigorated by the

the defibrillator, it sent a current through Kenneth, causing his body and limbs

later, the ambulance and

on the ground, the medic checked Kenneth’s condition and found that his heart rate was recovering. When he turned and

ones who

Xavian and Clayton nodded in

own eyes, the medic was stunned on his

reminded him, “Mister, quick! Although I have defibrillated him, you had better send him to the hospital to be examined

Kenneth onto a

shall we go with


“My sentiments exactly.”

a consensus, the children got into the ambulance

medical staff present, the children were still

were sure Kenneth was safe. In fact, they were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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