Chapter 45 Her Seclusion

It had to be said that for most of their marriage, Cedric had been a devoted husband except for the last six months. He would return home early if he had no business commitments and never stayed out past


As a result, Natalie’s bedtime rarely extended past eleven as well.

Working late into the night like this so suddenly was taxing on Natalie.

In the office’s rest area, she sat in a large chair, covering herself with her coat.

Karina sat nearby and said, “You might need to move out of Ms. Sander’s place.”

Natalie nodded, well aware of the situation. Living at Bianca’s place had already seriously affected

Bianca’s life, which was why she had been reluctant to move there three months ago.

She just hadn’t expected such tactics to resurface.

As she was pondering this matter, Cedric called.

Cedric didn’t wait for Natalie to say anything when she answered.


He immediately asked, “You haven’t gone back yet?”

“I never said I was going back.”

“Do you think Blanca can protect you, or do you believe you can handle it yourself? Come back immediately!” Cedric said impatiently.

It was clear that he knew about the parcels.

Natalie closed her eyes. She was exhausted, and her patience had run thin.

“Seriously? I reported these people to the police three months ago, and you bailed out those people. Is it my fault that they’re coming after me again?”


“Why are you yelling?” Natalie snapped.

She had no desire to hear anything from Cedric, especially when she remembered that he had bailed out. those people

Why had he called her?


Was he worried about her?

What a joke!

“It’s not a time for us to be arguing, okay?” Cedric said. He softened his tone, trying to use another tactic

when he saw how stubborn Natalie was being.

okay? I’ll have Yuvan pick

not at Bianca’s

words left Cedric


At this hour?

phone, Cedric

and called Yuvan.

were laden

working overtime downstairs. We just sent back the drafts to be revised again. They need a little more

through a difficult time

something related to the drafts,

working right now.”

talking about the young mistress?

absolutely certain

made it

would be equivalent to going against Cedric, and no one in

that foolish.

moment, Cedric’s anger flared as he exclaimed, “She said she’s currently working

couldn’t believe


have heard

with their side

would she be working overtime? How could

air around Cedric was


she was the one

the situation was odd, Yuvan quickly said, “I’ll

This was madness.



found himself alone in the office. He lit a cigarette, inhaled deeply, and blew out a

the man appeared even more

the following day, Natalie arrived at the doorstep of Apex Global with the drafts she

for over ten hours.

had been waiting before work hours even started, so she was freezing

opened its doors.

her from their previous meeting.

a cup of hot

some warm milk to take


had driven her here, but she had some important matters to attend to in the morning, so

the car and left.

had only been half an hour since then, but Natalie was already shivering with cold due to

because she had always stayed indoors when she was together with Cedric that she was unaware of the seasonal changes in Verde City. In the past,

Verde City could be this chilly. It seemed she would need to dress more warmly when going out

you didn’t need to come this early. Mr. Frazier usually arrives around

than that sometimes!”

violently coughed as she was drinking the hot milk when she heard this. The remark had caught

okay?” The receptionist handed her a tissue while

replied, “I’m…

people in charge of entire

the morning each day. Thus, in the years she spent with him,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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