Chapter 110 Christina is Terrified

Natalie didn’t have time to play around with her like this.

So, she called Karina over, who promptly came over.

“What’s going on?” Karina asked.

“Any updates?” Natalie was referring to the private investigator Karina had hired.

Karina checked the time on her wristwatch. “Not yet, but we should get it in the next couple of days.”


Natalie was genuinely curious about why Isabella harbored such intense resentment toward her. Karina

understood Natalie’s intent.

Isabella’s, arrival in Verde City seemed directly connected to her, and Natalie wanted to uncover the truth

behind it as quickly as possible.

Understanding the sequence of events was crucial for Natalie to plan her next steps.

However, before learning the motives behind Isabella’s hatred, it was impossible for Natalie to trust

anything she might attempt against her.

“In half an hour, the two new designers will arrive. Would you like to conduct the interviews personally?”

“No need. You handle it,‘ Natalie replied. She was more focused on planning the future of her studio.

With the substantial amount of money gained from her divorce from Cedric, Natalle intended d to expand her company. Having reached this point in her career, running just a small studio was no longer sufficient.

After Karina left, Natalie began working on the design drafts for Premier Garden. Unbeknownst to her,

rumors about her and Irwin were spreading outside.

But this time, the public perception was different from before. Following her public press conference, the narrative around her shifted from being a housewife to a career–oriented woman.

Photos of her and Irwin having a meal together were circulated, but reports suggested that they might have a new collaboration.

All the coverage was positive, focusing solely on their professional relationship and avoiding any intrusion into their privacy!

At the hospital, Isabella listened to the nurse reading the news. The resentment in her heart intensified, causing pain to flare up in her wounds.


in Isabella’s heart. The sinister aural emanating

as the nurse left, Christina entered. Her

Isabella asked

alert and was

She regretted it!

found herself in this situation. The wound on her

And Natalie?

was boldly building her

her sight and had taken a stab to her abdomen, yet not

to flaunt your

and Isabella assumed it was Natalie in the

narrowed her eyes


she could say anything, Isabella continued, “Do you think it’s over? Let me tell you, Natalie, it’s not! This is just the beginning! You’ll get what’s

what’s that?” Christina finally

hatred towards Natalie. Why did she hate her so

Isabella was stunned!

expect it to

was still too weak; she couldn’t sense who was

Isabella had to control her emotions, and

If it were Cedric….

overwhelmed her. She truly regretted it. She hadn’t realized that one’s aura could change so much that she couldn’t even sense

had no favorable attitude towards

casually touched her red nails, a mocking smile playing

up your sleeves to have bewitched my

towards Isabella, Christina was quite anxious. What

woman have to gain her

the Johnson family belonged to her–Rebecca’s love, Cedric’s heart–or

someone honest and modest, but


tone carried

those people who wanted to have Cedric and stay by his side… Christina wouldn’t allow

would be allowed

demeanor, disdain flashed in Christina’s eyes. When Isabella had appeared before her with such self–righteousness, Christina had thought she was different from the other

it seemed she was no different

is done. I’ll arrange for you to go abroad immediately. Once you’re

Isabella should leave.

her around might lead to more trouble, and Christina was uncertain about what might

feel at ease by sending

towards her and said, “Our cooperation is over, but there wasn’t a clause in our agreement about you helping me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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