Chapter 116 The Relationship Between Isabella and Natalie

Irwin glanced in Cedric’s direction and left.

Cedric hadn’t managed to suppress his temper, so he didn’t move to stop Irwin..

Natalie was no longer someone he could control as he pleased.

Who knew what trouble that sly vixen might cause if he had stopped Irwin?

Cedric vividly recalled the scene from earlier when she had created a ruckus at the hospital.

His emotions surged as he watched Irwin depart.

“Are you

stalking me?” Natalie looked at the silent man and asked, her tone less than friendly.

After she said that, the chill coming from Cedric seemed to intensify.

Stalking her?!

She really would say anything now, huh?




“Mom’s in the hospital,” Cedric said as he struggled to keep calm.

Natalie paused momentarily, taking a while to realize who Cedric was referring to.

It wasn’t entirely her fault. She hadn’t called Rebecca “mom” since she woke up in her current life. Hence, when Cedric said “mom“, she took a minute to process who he meant.

Cedric’s anger nearly overflowed when he saw her confused expression.

However, instead of showing concern, Natalie calmly asked, “How is that my

my concern?”

“She’s your

“She’s your mother, not mine! Have you forgotten that we’re divorced?” Natalle interrupted Cedric before he could finish his sentence.

Cedric felt a sudden catch in his breath at this moment.

That was right

were divorced!

She was right. He… had forgotten

Upon hearing that Rebecca had been admitted to the hospital, his initial thought was that Natalie would

go there.

After all, in the past, Natalie would be the first to rush to their side whenever there were health issues with

the elders in the Johnson family.

the past, Natalie hadn’t even asked for a caregiver to help out. She personally took care of the older woman daily until she

like you truly

tone was calm and

affairs of the Johnson family have nothing to do with me.” Natalie reminded him before turning around and walking towards her

he watched her get into the car and drive away. He stood in the chilling wind and was unable to snap out of his daze for

no connection


and it was a call from Christina. Cedric didn’t

Christina crying on the other end of the line and was unable to

anymore. And instead of the

was only indifference and

She actually…!

the restaurant, Natalie drove straight

She had been working overtime for several days just for the collaboration with

got out of the car, Natalie was greeted by

Miss, you’ve finally returned

“Mr. Jarvis is here.”

this, she was

uncle was here?!

he arrive?” She

arrived two hours ago. He didn’t want to inform you as he was worried

“Alright.” Natalie nodded.

her uncle, she couldn’t help but pass a comment: He was a capitalist through and through and couldn’t stand being

she noticed the servants bustling around. All of them

expression on their faces.

sat on the sofa,

And the exterior walls too.

thing… What’s it called…”

Natalie’s voice rang

their faces were filled with

who was excessively easy to serve. Since she arrived, they had never been

nervous before.


was almost an elderly man, his age did nothing to conceal his elegant and gentlemanly demeanor. At a glance, one could see the

are you doing? My place is a mess

more accurate to say that you mess things up even before 1 come

color scheme


of the mighty Regal

about these things?”

afraid you’re not comfortable

Natalie acknowledged that her taste, cultivated

always been

of Stephen, she could only admit


extremely picky person in life, and his skills in business

his approach when

Natalie asked. “Why did you

has a branch here. There have been some issues lately, so I came to take a

“A branch?”


that Regal Horizons had a branch

explained. “Because I didn’t want to cause

Verde City probably doesn’t know that

“I see.” Natalie nodded.

Regal Horizons International had a branch elsewhere, it usually used the same name.

that she didn’t know about it since Verde City might

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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