Chapter 120 Getting Bolder

The next day. Natalie woke up early.

When she came down, Stephen was already at the dining table. Seeing the tired look on her face, he

frowned and asked, “Didn’t sleep well?”


Of course, she couldn’t sleep well.

How could she after learning such earth–shattering news all of a sudden?!

Even digesting it would take time.

Stephen placed a glass of milk before her, saying. “This is what your aunt was worried about.”

Speaking of Heather, Natalie felt a wave of gratitude. It’s a good thing she had her uncle, her aunt, her


They wouldn’t let her end up like she did in her previous life.

Taking a sip of the milk, she asked Stephen, “How are you getting there later?”

At her words, Stephen checked the time on his wristwatch. “My people will be here shortly. I’ll take you

with me.”


“Yeah.” Stephen nodded.

Natalie tightened her grip on her spoon. Verde City wasn’t that big, and Stephen wouldn’t stay here for too


She didn’t want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

“No need,” she said, worried about running into Cedric again.

Sometimes, life was just like that. There were no such things as coincidences.

She had encountered Cedric when driving her Bugatti and then again with a Pagani…

If she went out with Stephen today and bumped into him again, that would be…

Cedric hadn’t quite recovered from their ten–year relationship ending, and Natalie worried he might not

handle it well and vent his frustrations on her again.

If she encountered such a situation, it would just be another headache.

you already divorced him?

so angry she ended up in the hospital. I

Stephen stiffened. “What happened?

and he only knew the bits and pieces about Natalie’s entanglement

from Karina. So, he was mostly still In the dark


“Yes. What happened after?”

took an interest in a project, which the Johnson family was also competing


she’s been

Stephen was shocked.

had put her in a

They were interested in bidding for the

family was

family was involved

“Yeah,” Natalie confirmed.

the heavens

serious, but now, there

he said after a moment’s reflection. “So, if Cedric sees me out with you

he’ll come after me?”

divorced, he might still be a

seen what he could

want him to bug her

reluctance, Stephen didn’t insist. When someone was furious, they were capable


avoiding confrontation

me, then. But you can’t


won’t arrive in time from Simeria, so

“No, it’s fine!”

what car she drove. The ostentatious displays from her uncle were



after, someone delivered a car

Natalie felt a chill run down her spine. She quickly called Karina, “Just get me a regular car,

was even more

Cedric, she thought he led a luxurious and high–profile lifestyle. After seeing her uncle’s way of life, she realized that each one

found it difficult to

think I’ll be able to do anything about it today. I’m currently discussing Mr. Lawson’s project

City. I’ll settle

don’t you use it just

for today Natalie asserted and hung

feel a headache

she changed her clothes, she checked the time carefully. It was already past the

hoped to

to Rebecca being unconscious, Cedric also arrived at the office

than usual today.

Karina had arranged for her happened to be in

from the new car in the underground parking

seeing Cedric, Natalie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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