Chapter 128 A Change in Surgeon

Hearing this, Cedric looked at Isabella’s sincere face. He closed his eyes and said, “We’ll be fine.”

They would be fine, of course!

After Isabella’s affairs were settled, he would deal with Natalie properly!

Thinking about his time in a frenzy because of Isabella’s affairs and how Natalie had caused a mess…

In Isabella’s heart, a storm raged. It was constantly contorting, but she covered it up exceptionally well.

“Go and comfort her. She loves you so much, I’m sure she’ll remarry you!”

Cedric remained silent. When he thought of Stephen being Natalie’s uncle, a sense of anxiety filled him.

When did she start completely isolating him from her life?

She didn’t share anything with him.

During this time….!

Stephen gave her everything she had, and she even sat in the CEO’s position at Sylvan Gems

In the past, Cedric never believed that Natalie had any work capabilities. At this moment, he still doubted

her talents. Looking at her studio, he had to admit that she at least had some managerial talent.

“Ced. Ced?”

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong with you? You didn’t respond when I called you!”

Isabella had just been chattering away, but Cedric hadn’t heard a word.

Cedric returned to his senses and said, “It’s nothing. You’ll be having surgery soon, okay?”

“I’m telling you, about Natalie…”

“You don’t have to interfere in the matters between us!”

“I’m fine. I’ve thought things through. I don’t want you to divorce her because of me!” Isabella quickly

spoke, completely unaware of the dark aura emanating from Cedric

When it came to the divorce, Cedric felt like

it was a massive stone lodged in his chest.

He had given her some freedom for a while, but now…!


slipping away from

Verde City. Yet, at this moment, he had

not at

to say something, nurses and doctors entered the room. They respectfully addressed

looked at Isabella and


uttered those three words, Cedric felt a moment of relief, as if everything would be completely

agonizing this

was the emergency with

he had to admit that he hadn’t handled it well when public opinion

hadn’t protected her

her desire for

this period

Isabella recovered, everything would be

room of the operating room, Isaac had already changed into surgical

clock, he eventually opened the


but he instantly stiffened when he heard

of the

an eye,

say?…Okay, I’ll


hanging up, he turned around to find

his assistant today. Although he didn’t have

urgent expression, Dr. Landry asked, “What’s


the surgery,” Isaac said as

pale when he heard that. “T–that wouldn’t be appropriate,

better than I do, and you’ve performed numerous surgeries. Are

confident?” Isaac asked.

Mr. Johnson?” Dr. Landry asked

to explain now. Remember, you must

knew how anxious Cedric had been during this period.

and Cedric had been handling every aspect with Natalie in

her eyesight

situation was too complicated, and Isaac was

today, Cedric

the surgery didn’t proceed normally? What if there were potential issues with the

But on Isaac’s end…!

do I explain this to Mr.

He was well aware of the status of the Johnson family in Verde City. Thus, the pressure on him for this surgery

longer felt

room for failure

later!” Isaac said


say anything more, he turned and left. Dr. Landry stood rooted to

his surgical

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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