Chapter 144 Still Intimate

“Besides, Isabella has never been kind to me since she arrived at Verde City!”

Isabella had destroyed Natalie’s family and taken away her happiness!

While doing all this, Isabelle never considered the fact that Natalie was her only relative, right?

Now, Isabelle had a miserable fate with no future. The whole world probably thought Natalie should be

responsible for her, right?

“No, she hasn’t done anything to you!” Cedric looked at the tense Natalie and continued, “Whether she did

or didn’t, what’s the point of saying these things now?”

But Natalie also knew that even if she asked, Isabella would provide another version of what had

happened to their mothers!

At this point, it was impossible for Natalie to post a clarifying message for her!

In the end, Natalie gave up.

After exiting Sylvan Gems, Cedric saw Natalie get into Irwin’s car.

At that moment… he clenched his fists.

Now, she was…!

The current Natalie gave Cedric the feeling of a bird flying out of a cage. Before this, no one around him. noticed her ability to spread her wings, but now she was free.

And she could fly wherever she wanted in this vast world.

Half an hour later, Cedric was once again at the hospital. Isabella was now disheartened. She acted the same regardless of whether people were around her or not.

Feeling Cedric’s presence, she smiled bitterly and said, “Look, it seems I’m getting used to the darkness


There was pain in her voice, and such words were heartwrenching to hear.

Cedric stood at the door. He didn’t speak and simply quietly watched Isabella

Now that Natalie had pointed it out, he realized that he always felt a sense of familiarity when he looked ai Isabella


turned out her nose was similar to

he never connected the

back so soon? She still didn’t

this, Isabella’s tone

was quite

determined look on Isabella’s face only made Cedric’s

me about your relationship with her

his thoughts during the half–hour journey it took

Isabella came to Verde City, she didn’t

coincidentally end up by his

because of

coincidence that Natalie was

her end, the


Bringing it up would make my

“What’s the story?”

was asking about the relationship between

a hint of doubt in Cedric’s voice. Even though Isabella couldn’t see anything,

was filled with pain as she

as Natalie

affair turned into him having a beloved

his family’s wishes and had succumbed. to an

he got married, he still had contact with the woman he loved, leading to the birth of



out, she caused a scene with Isabella’s mother. The confrontation led to Isabella’s mother

of the story

only discrepancy was Dominic’s affair

this past without blushing or stuttering. It was evident that she had gone

countless rehearsals before.

Cedric asked, she spoke

knew all along! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have

she had just learned

finish the sentence, Cedric

hysteria, Cedric could now

sister… Even if she’s my only relative in this world, I can’t

existence… I’m sure she thinks

robbed my mother

was any hatred, it should be on Isabella’s

in chaos at

in circles, the conclusion was

now hate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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