Chapter 158 Dim–witted

Half an hour later, Natalie met Bianca in a café and recounted the situation between Cedric and Irwin..

Bianca was also shocked.

“Irwin is Apex Global’s CEO! How did Cedric manage to do that?” Bianca wondered.

“I don’t know,” Natalie shook her head.

She didn’t know how Cedric had managed to get Irwin out of Verde City, but the current situation was clearly not in her favor.

Bianca looked at Natalie with concern. Cedric’s proposal for remarriage, wasn’t a joke!

“Bia, why don’t you temporarily put aside what you’re working on and leave Verde City for a while?” Natalie suggested.

“Will he come after me next?‘ Bianca grumbled.

Natalie silently observed her. Bianca also recalled the incident of the previous divorce case.

Cedric had a substantial infuence in Verde City. Whatever he wanted to do, there was no one to stop him.

He was ruthless to everyone, and that included Natalie!

“From what I can tell, it seems like he has settled Isabella’s matter and has turned his attention back to

you,” Blanca remarked.

Natalie was silent.

“He probably agreed to the divorce previously because you kept pestering him about it. Since he had no time on his hands to handle it, he probably used it as a method to temporarily coax you!”

“What do you mean?”

That shameless guy never had the intention of letting you go.”

Natalie’s face turned pala

He never planned on letting her go?!

Hearing Bianca’s words and the fact that Irwin had hastily left Verde City left an ominous feeling in the air.

“Perhaps you should leave Verde City to avoid him, Blanca suggested after thinking for a moment:

“I’m not leaving!” Natalie asserted.

“I can’t leave now!”

If there was nothing holding her back, it wouldn’t be a problem to leave now.

However, putting aside her current commitments at Auro Studio, she was still the CEO of Sylvan Gems.

She couldn’t up and leave just because she wanted to.

“Don’t panic. Just carry on with your work and see what he’s up to,” Bianca advised.

knew that when Cedric went mad,

shake off Bianca’s words about Cedric turning his attention back to her and everything else

more she thought about it, the more chaotic her mind

but… there was a possibility that what Bianca said was

had never intended

why had he forced Natalie and

her previous life?


breathing sped up as

the scene from the last life where



Cedric was unwilling


let her go in this life?

checked to see it

best to calm down, she answered,

call me


“What happened?”

her car, and she raised her hand to shield her eyes

“Nothing much.”

to tell Stephen. Maybe she


so I’m hanging up. Call me if you need


up the call, Natalie ran her hand

Cedric .!

she would no longer be involved


If this m

off, she wouldn’t have ended up

evening, Natalie returned to Elegance Bay, and Nigel greeted her respectfully, “Miss, you’re


on?” Natalie asked as she handed her bag

replied, “Dinner has been ready

checked the time on her wristwatch; it

bit late, already past

Nigel, “In

“Yes, ma’am.”

all, her work usually ended around this time. And if she did any overtime, she would be home

Tater than this.

was simple. It would have been extravagant if


grown up being thrifty, Natalie found such extravagance a waste. Although her

have been able to make ends

commotion outside reached

see what’s

“Yes, ma’am.”

out when someone burst

person, and they seemed to have just had

sank when she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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