Chapter 195 Unveiling the Truth

Natalie said, “Whether I hide well or not is none of your concern! But you… It’s best if you try harder to

hide it better!”

Cedric was not someone to be trifled with. If he found out that his people had contacted Isabella without

his orders, it would be a serious matter.

Yuvan’s expression changed at her words.

“Ms. Walker, don’t you think you’re too selfish?” he retorted.


“She’s your sister. Don’t you think you’re being too harsh on her? Because of you, she’s had a tough time

until now.”

Natalie understood now.

The fact that her father’s inheritance was all left to her and was no longer a secret around Cedric. And Isabella was indeed good at playing the pitiful victim card.

“It seems a cup of coffee isn’t enough; get out!”


“Get out!”

Natalie didn’t want to continue looking at Yuvan. If he stayed, she was afraid she might lose control.

Ever since she learned about Isabella’s identity, she detested people saying that Isabella was her sister.

It was an insult to her!

She hated it.

Yuvan nodded. “Think about it carefully!”

After saying this, he turned and left.

the door touched the doorknob, he seemed to remember something and turned back, “You’re now the high and mighty CEO of Sylvan Gems, and she’s a blind woman. You’re practically in the sky while

fuck on the ground If you target her again, it’s a problem with your mindset



It was an attempt at indirectly telling Natalie that even though she was in a higher position now, her capacity to handle things still hadn’t improved!

Natalie smiled at his words, “Just for saying that, I will definitely expose her.”

Yuvan’s face changed slightly.

know so that he understood mentioning Isabelle in

matter if it was just a slight mention. Natalie

he closed the door, there was

had no respect

her eyes. “Isabella…

had tom her life apart in her previous life. Now,

No, they pitied her!

image in the eyes of those people was one

and called someone. The person

“Yes, Ms. Walker.”

close eye on Yuvan,” Natalie ordered

Isabella have around her? Natalie wanted to know. She also wanted to know their role

“Yes, ma’am.”



about the call

also investigating the

was focusing on

of Ill bring it to

good if you could confirm the location of the

it might be difficult to trace now, it was still possible to dig it up. Natalie believed that Christina’s number was likely used to contact the many people she used, which would provide the breakthrough


challenging, but the man on

without hesitation.

Zane was a formidable presence at Stephen’s side. Having such a person around made

the call with

with Cedric previously, she didn’t have much

else was irrelevant, like the

it was

Natalie answered, “Hello”

suburbs with me

responded without much

a work–related matter,

I pick you up

me up at Sylvan Gems. The drawings are

there was a lot to handle at Sylvan Gems, Natalie habitually brought

up whenever she had

Irwin’s and Premier Garden’s matters. For the rest, she genuinely had no time to manage

with Karina watching over the studio, there wouldn’t be any issues. Natalie felt particularly stasmred about

a bit off compared to how busy Natalie was with work. Cedric

moment ago, he had exploded in anger at Isaac, blaming

calmly handed him the


rapidly flipped through the contents, and everything



the glass table and demanded, “What does this mean?


of control, and his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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