Chapter 200 The Results

At the Johnson Manor, Christina was in her room, looking at the online discussions on her phone. She could hear noises from downstairs as she did.

Obviously, Rebecca was throwing a tantrum.

A faint smile appeared on her lips. She changed into different clothes and went out. As she walked to the stairs, she saw Rebecca still on the phone.

“What’s going on now?‘ Rebecca asked angrily, not holding back her frustration. It was unclear what the

person on the other end of the call had said.

Rebecca was already in a bad mood, and she was practically burning in anger now.

“Weren’t you getting along well with her before? What happened? Tell me, is it related to Isabella?”

Christina could now discern that Rebecca was talking to Cedric on the phone.

Rebecca had genuinely disliked Natalie before this. However, since she found out about Natalie being the Regal Horizon International’s chairman’s niece and also his future successor, Rebecca had grown attached to her.

She genuinely hoped Natalie and Cedric would have a good relationship.

But now, before Natalie could let go of her grudges, Cedric had messed up again.

With a loud crash, Rebecca angrily slammed the phone down. The entire mansion’s staff were on edge, afraid to approach and be scolded.

Christina suppressed the joy on her face. She descended the stairs and appeared in front of Rebecca with a serious expression.

“Mom, I’ve seen it all. What exactly is going on?”

She pretended to be concerned, but inside, she was thrilled. Natalie had looked down on her from such a high position. She even refused to give her a set of jewelry and had acted so arrogantly–Christina wished she could crush that haughty attitude.

cca’s emotions were turbulent.

Come with E

“Sapphire!” Rebecca said angrily

Isabella kept saying she

hate everything that was related to Natalie,

what might happen during this

Rebecca was free to express

a woman who prioritized her

and Natalie, she understood

public opinion online wouldn’t have easily

that all of

Ivan was the Johnson family’s benefactor, Rebecca wouldn’t tolerate any misbehavior from Isabella

and kicking! She wouldn’t allow

Natalie back to

personal bodyguard, Leon, arrived driving her

amiss with Natalie in Verde City, Leon would stick close


Alright, Irwin nodded,

turned to get into the car when Irwin

Yes? She looked back.

asked, “Have you considered going

Verde City’s ppinion. So, Irwin thought

me to run away

for anyone to see a hint of urgency

her like

moment’s thought, he suggested, “What if I go with

no need for

had stirred up quite a controversy. If

end up dragging

took her hand. Then, he ushered her into the

no need!‘ Natalie

piss him


Piss Cedric off?

was something she


you.” Natalie felt a bit embarrassed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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