Chapter 86

A few days ago, Sage had seen that man at the mall in Cinderpeak County. At that moment, he was being scolded by Sandra Fraser for wanting to buy a luxury watch.

Based on his appearance and the way he spoke to Sandra, it was highly probable that he was Sandra’s son.

She recalled what he had said to Sandra about needing to dress up to impress a woman from a wealthy family. Could that woman be Layla?

That would be quite interesting, then.

Considering Sandra’s financial situation, it would be impossible for her to provide her son with so many high–end accessories.

Therefore, it was highly likely that all of these accessories came from Ivy.

Who would have thought that Ivy wouldn’t only reach out to the mental hospital but also to the people around her?

“Allow me to introduce my cousin. She married into a wealthy family, and this car belongs to

her husband.”

Layla boasted, “There are only a few people in the whole country who have a Bugatti, and her husband is one of them! This isn’t something that can be bought with just money–you would also need a fitting social status!”

crossed the man’s face,

is so amazing! When will you introduce

dare to brag too much. “He’s a very busy man. We’ll talk about it later if we get the chance. Aren’t

glanced greedily at the Bugatti and said to Layla, “There are only a few of

his suggestion without any hesitation. “Nah, it’s fine.


cousin’s young, too. Wouldn’t she want to tag along and have some

who had been silent the whole time, and asked

life, Layla was said to end up

Sage wasn’t interested in such matters, so she had never seen what that man looked

her time in the asylum, Sage overheard the nurses gossiping about the Joyner family.

other men for entertainment and even record exploitative

already in decline, experienced a total

have a good relationship, they were still family. Sage couldn’t just sit back and watch Layla suffer the same tragic fate she had

and said, “Sure thing!”

to agree so readily. Although she was reluctant, she could

I’m Henry York, a friend

a graceful yet warm smile as she said, “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” They

both billiards and karaoke.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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