A Film Queen

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Feeling a Bit Qucasy

The door swung open.

First, the staff carrying the live–streaming equipment stepped out of the car, followed closely by the crew who brought out a screen, about half a person’s height, enabling the actors to view the barrage of comments from fans in real time.

Once everything was set up, Jonathan, dressed in casual dark green attire, finally opened the car door, gracefully stepping out with a refined smile.

Oliver, stationed outdoors, found himself unable to contain a disdainful eye–roll in response to Jonathan’s haughty attitude, quietly commenting. “So pretentious.”

Milly, positioned next to Oliver, promptly seized his arm and motioned towards the large display. signalling that the live streaming had commenced and reminding him to maintain silence.

Following her gaze, Oliver glanced at the large screen. As expected, the barrage of comments began to roll in frenetically.

Whoa, Jonathan is really going live this time, am I imagining things?

I’ve heard that Jonathan’s birthday live streaming is going to be a vlog of his entire day. I wonder what he gets up to.

Jonathan is looking quite dashing today, watching him is always a delight!”

‘Hm, I’ve got insider info! Heard that Jonathan suddenly decided to do a birthday live streaming to visit someone and show support. Rumour has it, it’s someone really important. You know what I mean, right?”

‘Don’t go around gossiping. Jonathan is single, and his friend circle is open for all to see! Wish your whole family death by rumour–mongering!”

I’m not gossiping! My distant relative’s acquaintance’s previous neighbour’s daughter happens to be an assistant working alongside Jonathan verified it!

Haha, who would believe that!‘

‘Hold on, did anyone else catch someone sporting identical attire with Jonathan?”

“They’re both clad in green, and that individual appears to be…”

gosh, it’s Oliver

of thousands of viewers, the large

a single word was spoken, as if everyone was collectively digesting something

person who just shared insider information still here? Care to join

Feeling a

out of the car, preparing to offer a friendly smile and greeting, he happened to glance at

glare directed towards Oliver, who was dressed in the same brand, the same colour, and even the same size as himself.

was definitely doing it on

odds of such

his pockets, exuding an air of boldness as he locked eyes with

to great lengths, pulling strings through several connections, just to find out what Jonathan would be wearing today. Then, he had arranged for a matching outfit to be delivered overnight, all with the sole purpose of outshining Jonathan with

two were about to come to blows, the

for Jonathan. I’m honoured to be able to explore a day in Jonathan’s life

Jonathan, the host smiled and said,

smile. “Hello, fans! I’m Jonathan. It’s great to have everyone here for my birthday live stream.

soon as he finished speaking, a distinct

cameraman turned towards Oliver, who was seated elegantly on a nearby stool. He gracefully wiped the corners of his mouth and chuckled lightly. “Apologies, I had beef

Jonathan was furious.

surely doing

live chat started

about this, his

eats a hefty breakfast like steak so early in the day? It’s

protest against Oliver! Let’s

Jonathan/is present? Normally, we overlook it, but why

‘Precisely, it’s incredibly frustrating.

122 Feeling a Bit

to Jonathan’s live streaming. Upon witnessing this

your words? Since when does the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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