Chapter 37

Yvan thought to himself, his expression turning frosty as he said to Carl. “She likes playing chicken with me: well she’s got it. I want to see how long she can hold out!”

Two days later, when Matilda found out all her design work had been pulled from the internet, Gideon was shaking with rage. “I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!”

Yvan wasn’t just targeting them anymore: he was cutting off their lifeline!

Tears welled up in Matilda’s eyes. “Bro, don’t be rash. You’ll only be playing right into Yvan’s hands!”

“How can he do this to

U?” Gideon swept everything off the table in a fit of anger. “You bore his child, went through hell and back, and this is how he repays you?”

Matilda’s lips trembled. “No… Bro, there’s still hope…”

They couldn’t give up. They couldn’t let Logan fall into his hands!

The next day, as Yvan settled into his office routine, Carl walked in, a frown creasing her forehead. “Mr. Boyd… there’s someone here to see you.”


“Just… a kid.”

the office door, locked


I need to

her nose at him. “I’ve seen plenty of women claiming to be Mr. Boyd’s, and now here comes a kid. Who put you up to this, huh? Your mom trying to snag Mr. Boyd?”

mom couldn’t care less about any Mr. Boyd!” Logan retorted, his face

slight resemblance, but that’s a bold scam for a kid your age…” The

away. “I don’t lay hands on children,

are you calling a

made the secretary jump. When she turned, she saw Yvan standing there, his face

Boyd… the child was lying, saying

son. L…

Chapter 37

my secretary is quite capable, daring to insult my son. What’s next, stepping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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