Chapter 50

Willow was taken aback by Matilda’s retort and found herself momentarily speechless, scrambling for a comeback.

It took her a while to collect her thoughts. “You… what’s with that attitude? Without my family’s help, you think you could slip through Yvan’s fingers? Not a chance!”

“Oh, but I don’t have to listen to you,” Matilda replied with a scoff, her arms crossed defiantly over her chest. “I’ve always been on my own, never leaning on anyone else!”

Matilda’s words struck a chord in Willow, and when she saw the cold smirk on Matilda’s face, it shook her to the core.

Even with that icy smile, Matilda was stunning–a woman whose allure once set the hearts of Sea City’s men ablaze. But after marrying Yvan, she had fallen from her pedestal like a shooting star, her radiance dimmed.

“I find you quite amusing,” Matilda said. “If you’re so set on chasing after Yvan, be my guest. What do I have to do with it? Or are you actually afraid of me deep down, feeling inferior, and that’s why you concocted this scheme to manipulate me?”

as if struck, muttering, “Nonsense! What do I lack. compared

to,” Matilda said with a narrowed smile, “I won’t shed a tear in front of your lot.”

acting so high and mighty! When Yvan’s done

laugh. “When he didn’t want me, I was less than a dog. Willow,

the wind in pursuit of Yvan, even offering her family’s influence in exchange for marriage. In the end, it was all for naught–an empty dream. When she awoke, she was alone, with nothing but the prison walls to greet

act!” Willow stammered, shaking with anger. “Alright, since you’re so capable, I can’t

remained silent, her gaze

“Oh, right, I visited Yvan’s house the other

her eyes flashing dangerously, the pain in her voice unmistakable. “You saw him?! Yvan, oh Yvan, you demand that I maintain the image of a good mother, yet you bring

seeing Matilda lose her composure, smirking triumphantly. “Yeah, the

Chapter 50

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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