Chapter 55

Bennett’s gaze landed on Matilda, her disheveled appearance giving him pause. “You and Yvan


“We are done,” she cut him off briskly, attempting to rise from her seat only to feel the room. spin from the alcohol. As she wobbled, Yvan’s eyes narrowed, anticipating her fall.

But to everyone’s surprise, she was caught in a steadying grip. Chloe’s voice was in her ear. “Knew you’d get yourself into a pickle!”

Looking up in confusion, Matilda noticed another man standing beside Chloe, who gave Yvan a nod. “Mr. Boyd, fancy seeing you here.”

“Mr. Yeager…” Yvan quickly regained his composure. The man was Chloe’s high–ranking boss, and he returned the greeting with a knowing smile. “Didn’t expect to bump into you tonight.”

“I’m just here to pick up a friend for Chloe,” Declan Yeager explained, glancing at Matilda. “Are you done catching up?”

Both Yvan and Bennett were taken aback by the connection between Declan and Chloe. It seemed Matilda had some influential friends…

over their thoughts, Matilda had no time for introspection. She steadied herself and, looking down, thought about how Chloe had managed to bring such a heavy hitter to escort her home, almost giving her

indeed timely, and Matilda quickly mustered a smile. Addressing Yvan and Bennett, she said, “Guess I’ll head back to my booth. Mr. Fuller, if you want to hang out, let’s plan for another time.”

made her way back, thinking to herself that even Chloe was

wouldn’t be intimidating enough, so

chest. “He’s too high–profile; don’t

a glass of orange juice. “Calm your

from them with a sardonic

poured Declan a drink. “Boss, have some bourbon.”

for him. “Boss, have

grinned at Matilda. “Pleasure to meet you, Ms.

Yeager,” Matilda murmured

Chapter 55

in Sea City…”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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