Chapter 97

Logan and Matilda held each other in an embrace before she coaxed him to sleep. They chatted for a while, the conversation flowing easily between them until the deepening night outside went unnoticed, and Matilda, without realizing it, dozed off at Logan’s bedside.

Meanwhile, at Tiger Pub, Yvan and Mason sat opposite each other, swapping the information they had gathered.

Mason handed a report over to Yvan.

“Rachel fell down the stairs; that much is true. But since that corner was a blind spot for the mall’s security cameras, there’s no video evidence to prove that Matilda pushed her.”

“But…” Yvan wanted to say something, only to be interrupted by Mason, “You’re going to say you saw it with your own eyes, right? Yvan, how did you just happen to see Matilda push Rachel at that exact moment?”

“Someone tipped me off.” Yvan felt like he was missing a crucial detail, “At that moment someone was on the phone with me, mentioned Rachel, so I turned to look and just saw…

“Who was it?”


Mason’s mouth curled into

coincidence. Ella has no reason

the stack of papers, “I had someone check the cleaning staff roster from that mall five years ago, pulled up their schedules and cleaning logs. Found out

realization. Anyone passing that area could have slipped!

maintenance at the time, so it was logged specifically. Typically, these large


the rest of the mall’s footage is gone. We can only say this might have been a tragic accident. Rachel happened to pass by an escalator being

“It it was just an accident, Rachel would have slipped on her own. Why was Matilda

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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