Chapter 119

Everyone thought it was the ultimate humiliation, but the woman before them, Matilda, actually stood up even though she was shaking. She was too thin, painfully so, and it made their hearts


A collective pause. Heartache? For this woman?

With a smirk still playing on her lips, Matilda slapped Mia across the face before anyone could recover. In that instant, her features were stunningly beautiful!

Mia, never having been struck in public, touched her cheek and cried out, “How dare you hit


Immediately, a couple of thugs grabbed Matilda and slammed her back down. Her knees buckled, and she crashed towards the booth’s table. Agony shot through her as she struck it, and she let out a muffled groan, a sound of extreme restraint.

“Mia,” Yvan frowned, “that’s about enough.”

you wouldn’t happen to be feeling sorry for your ex–wife, now would you?” Adrian chimed in coolly. “Who’s gonna feel sorry for

know she’s my

They turned incredulously towards the woman pinned to the ground, recognizing something familiar in those features. This woman was Yvan’s ex–wife!

ought to punish her properly, lest she still thinks she’s the high and mighty Ms. Thompson,” Ella spoke up, her

no Thompson family in Sea City

liquor down her throat. “Drink up! Weren’t you just playing hard to


voice rose again,

Beg Mr. Boyd.

seemed to seal Matilda’s fate. As she looked up, all color drained from her face.

trembling with barely contained concern. He feared she might

onto the table, and someone said,

Chapter 119

was exposed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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