Chapter 126

Criss guided Matilda to their room for some rest, the twin beds neatly made.

Matilda perched on one, taking deep, steadying breaths.

Seeing her like this, Criss heaved a sigh, grabbed the kettle to boil some water for tea, and asked while filling it, “Sweetie, you gotta tell me who he is already, right?”

Matilda offered a resigned smile. “He’s my ex–husband.”

“Oh my God!”

Criss‘ hand trembled, nearly dropping the kettle. “Then I don’t wanna sleep with him.”

Matilda’s voice pitched up in disbelief. “You wanted to sleep with my ex–husband?”

Criss stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Well, he doesn’t look like the submissive type. I bet if we hit the sack, we’d end up wrestling.”

Matilda raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. “Okay, okay, Lord Criss, I admit my fault. I shouldn’t have kept it from you. I’ll be upfront next time.”

setting up the kettle, and said, “Honey, you gotta figure something out. You can’t keep

“It just happened.”

Criss‘ question, memories came flooding

dispel those thoughts, and then said, “There’s nothing much to

my sweet little secret keeper is keeping things from me now.” Criss feigned injury with a sigh. “Seems like we can’t continue

at the renowned creative director, who smiled down at her, “Looks like


couldn’t help but laugh. “Go ahead, try your luck. If you can turn Yvan gay, you’re welcome



ex is quite the

the crowd, his tall, distinguished figure and his

Chapter 126

remained unimpressed, as if no woman

with the way he’s giving the cold shoulder to those ladies, you’d think he played for the same team

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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