Chapter 149

A whirlwind of thoughts raced through Yvan’s mind, but all that managed to escape his lips. were a few sparse words. “Yeah, go ahead.”

He… he agreed?

Pigs must be flying!

But Yvan’s smirk quickly returned. “Sure, run away with him if you dare. But if you get caught, don’t expect to be treated this well.”

Matilda’s heart clenched at his words, her face drained of color. She forced a smile in Yvan’s direction. “I should be thanking you, Mr. Boyd, for your generosity in letting my son and me have a day out.”

Yvan’s brow furrowed, but before he could utter a word, Matilda was already being tugged away by an ecstatic Logan, his face alight with excitement. “Mommy, no daydreaming! Let’s get going!”

It had been ages since he had this kind of fun with his mom!

The joy on Logan’s face was like a slap to Yvan, who never received such expressions from the boy. What a pitiful sight.

Yvan watched the departing figures of Matilda and her son for a long time before turning away. Meanwhile, Ella covertly took out her phone and sent a quick message.

spend time alone with Logan. They hopped into a taxi, and the little boy, gripping

next time?”

up in Matilda’s eyes, her hand trembling as she stroked his face. After a moment, she

“That’s awesome! I

tears. She forced a smile. It was okay; she just had to

if you’re watching over us, can you feel Logan’s longing? Are you lonely up

bustling mall, Logan scampering ahead while Matilda followed with a graceful trot. The lively boy and his elegant mother turned heads as they passed. Matilda helped Logan snag two plush toys from a claw machine, and

friends, Logan looked up at Matilda, “Let’s go




to the restroom entrance. “Call for me when you’re


go of his toys, clutching them


“Logan, are you feeling okay? Should Mommy come in

voice echoed down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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