Chapter 175

When Matilda woke up, the last thing she expected to see was Adrian’s face hovering over her.

She blinked hard, thinking her mind was playing tricks on her. But when she opened her eyes again, there it was–that half–smirk, half–smug grin on Adrian’s face. His eyebrows arched in a roguish manner, dressed down in a hoodie and ripped jeans, his long legs stretched out beneath her hospital bed, holding a throw pillow and smiling at her.

That smile sent shivers down Matilda’s spine.

Adrian let out a whistle, “Hey there, Sleeping Beauty, decided to join the living?”

Matilda’s throat was dry as she tried to speak, but before she could utter a word, Adrian stood up, leaned in close, and assessed her with those unsettling turquoise eyes. “You’ve got some nerve, you know that? Downing a bottle of Hennessy in under five minutes.”

Pale and still looking unwell, Matilda retorted, “And what’s it to you?”

“It wasn’t any of my business before,” Adrian shrugged casually, “But it is now. I’m the one who brought you to the hospital. Don’t you think you owe me a little thank–you?” Whenever Matilda found herself in a mess, Adrian seemed to be right there in the

thick of it.

her eyes brimming with defiance.

know, Matilda, if you’d shown

sharp jab to her heart,

the sarcasm thick in her voice. “And what do you suggest I do? I love him. I can’t let go.”

admission that she loved Yvan, though deliberately, made Adrian’s pupils contract, his sardonic smile turning frosty. His eyes seemed to

summed her up in one harsh

Chapter 175

indifferently, “Thanks for

This woman was truly heartless, bearing any and all suffering, which

they buried their pain, and when they

nothing more than a game to him. And why wouldn’t he? With women throwing themselves at him, he wouldn’t waste his energy on someone so

knew well of his angelic exterior, but what of his soul? Perhaps no different from a devil’s.

her eyes, signaling she

“That’s how you treat

no choice, Matilda opened her eyes and faced him. “How much? I’ll pay you back.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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