Chapter 206

eached Declan and Yvan’s ears, their expressions turned sour, Reese was trying to k but her earlier disdain was long gone. She quivered as she spoke, “Stop slinging mud!

pretty clear who’s looking for trouble here,” came a voice from the crowd.

Matilda noticed Chloe’s stiffness, probably scared of Declan, and she quickly ushered Chloe und Godfrey to the back, saying. “Go ice that cheek in the kitchen.”

With a quick nod, Chloe helped Godfrey away, leaving Matilda to face the music alone. Matilda turned to Reese with a sardonic smile, “What’s the matter, darling? Planning to plug your new bistro in the middle of this mess?”

Reese looked pitifully at Declan, hoping he’d take her side, but when she turned to him, she found him lost in thought

Declan’s gaze followed Chloe and Godfrey as they left, his pupils shrinking to pinpoints.

She’s gone! She just walked away, right in front of him, with another man! And didn’t even glance his way!

Fine, Chloe, spread those wings of yours!

out to look

made Yvan shudder uncontrollably

returning his smile to his mother, “Let’s sit down and eat, Mom.

heard his own son’s harsh words. He tried again, “Logan, I know it wasn’t you guys

Logan, looking up at Yvan with a steely gaze as she said, “You made

felt the urge to chase after Matilda, to sit down and explain everything, to

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followed Logan out. The sight of the tall man

Orson’s arms without any fear, something he’d never done

Orson said, his voice cool but his eyes soft on Logan. He casually rested one hand in his pocket, the other ruffling Logan’s hair,

the three of them headed back to

a family, and Yvan felt a bone–deep chill. Watching Matilda’s retreating figure, he felt as though his heart was being scooped out

years ago, he’d ignored her repeatedly, thinking he wouldn’t care about anything to do

her walk away with someone else… hurt so much?

it me who made the mistake, and you who forgave? Is that what we’ve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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