Chapter 246

"After that, the fire broke out and you were trapped in it. I saw Kyle saving Noel and leaving you behind," John said with pursed lips. "I rushed in and got you out."

Cordy was surprised at that revelation. She had always assumed a fireman had saved her, as she vaguely remembered her savior was dressed in a fireman's uniform.

"I grabbed a helmet from a fireman near me. I was afraid I'd choke on the smoke and die before I could get to you," John explained as if he could read her mind.

Cordy looked down. She suddenly remembered the first time she had seen John in the hospital, and how his wrists were heavily bandaged.

"You've explained a lot..." Cordy turned to look at John, her eyes reverting back to their usual coldness. 'Why did you treat me so kindly? We were just strangers who met by chance, and I've done many things to hurt you. Why would you like me?"

Cordy couldn't believe him.

It was hard for her to trust anyone.

it was love at first sight. You've seen so many beautiful and outstanding women,

in love with me at first sight... Or rather, first

was fantastic," John

Cordy bit her lip.

that was my first time,"

such a conservative person," Cordy shot

so happened that I am," John replied, looking straight at


was years ago-" John

want to hear any more of your so-called explanations. What you said may or may not be true. To me, the day your grandfather announced your engagement

really useless?" John's eyes seemed


would only prologue this farce, instead of

the final outcome between

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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