Chapter 252

After Jay released Zoe, he didn't linger any longer and went directly to John. "Can you walk on your own?"

It was clear to him John had been drinking a lot.


"Let's go," Jay said.

John stood, then swayed a little. Jay eventually had to assist him and help him to the passenger side of the car as Zoe followed behind. While she was considering if she should also get into the car, Jay said, "Johnny mentioned that this car is Cordy's. I'll send you back since I have to return the car."

So, Zoe got into the back seat.

The car ride was smooth. Even though it was late at night and there were scarcely any cars on the road, Jay drove slowly.

He had always been a gentle person.

she hardly ever saw him lose his temper. Zoe was also unsure which part of him attracted her. She couldn’t even remember the reason she fell in love with

men were more good-looking, outstanding, and

this was something God had probably arranged for her as her destiny, and

to the side of

asked, "What

some medicine," Jay

injured? Was it so serious that he needed to get medicine right in this

any injuries on John

like the back of his hand was especially red and swollen. However, the

he sent John to Chateau Emporio

a bit. I'll take Johnny home


from sending John home, he saw that Zoe had fallen asleep in the car. The subtle snoring coming from her indicated that she

and simply drove slowly and steadily so as not to jostle her. After arriving at the underground car park, Jay parked the

that Zoe had already shifted to lie down, and her mouth was slightly open

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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