Chapter 259

Cordy felt the pill enter her mouth, but she refused to swallow. It was something Kyle gave her, so it couldn't be anything good.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while.

Kyle covered Cordy's nose, and the sudden choking sensation that washed over her forced her to open her mouth. At the same time, Kyle grabbed the mineral water next to her and poured it forcefully into her mouth.

Since her nose was covered, she was unable to stop her body's instincts and swallowed the white pill that washed down her throat with the water.

The most wicked smile broke out on Kyle's face. "Do you want to know what you just took?"

Cordy glared at him with cold, hard eyes.

Only hate remained in them.

"I thought I'd never see any other emotions in your eyes even if you died, you know? Do you know how much I love that look on your face? I was really sick of how indifferent you looked all the time!" Kyle hissed through clenched teeth. "I gave you an aphrodisiac. Soon, you'll feel like dying from overwhelming desire and lust!"

Cordy had already guessed what it was earlier once she knew what Kyle planned to do. He was going to make indecent videos in such a way to force her to work with him.

as she tried

immediately. 'She

you admit

with Jessop Corp and me, I wouldn't have needed to go to this extent! You're the


about the consequences

choice but to work with

hands, there's no way I'll work with Jessop Corp! I'll never help your family, either! Do you really

afraid I'll post a video of the

even his mistress once

the past, and it won't have any effect on

that you don't care at all!" At this point, Kyle couldn't be reasoned with anymore. "Do you think I can back out now that I've come this far? If I let you go, you'll immediately call the police to arrest

you release me, I promise I


wasn't convinced

for the rest of your life," Cordy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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