Chapter 266

Cordy wasn't angry at John's words. Looking at the disaster on John's body, she could also tell how out of control she had been last night.

Her face felt like it was on fire, and even her ears were hot.

"Wait a bit. I'll head out and buy some clothes for you," Cordy said as she got up from the bed. "Consider it payback for last night."

John felt like he had gone through life and death last night. Yet, this woman was telling him she'd just buy a set of clothes as compensation?

Well, that was fine.

He was content that Cordy didn't hate him. He was even getting some clothes out of it; that meant he had hit the jackpot.

Cordy went to another room to change, but Zoe tumbled in as soon as she opened the door. The former was startled, and John hastily wrapped the covers tighter around his body to avoid exposing anything.

"Zoe?" Cordy exclaimed while holding onto Zoe, who was about to fall flat on her face.

Zoe had a hard time steadying herself. She tried to explain, "l-l wasn't eavesdropping! I was just gonna knock on the door to call you guys up. It's already four in the evening, you know? You guys did some extreme workout last night, huh? Aren't you guys hungry?"

blushed at

crumple when she had woken up, and she

herbal soup. I promise, it'll help rejuvenate you both!" Zoe

lips. "I'm heading out for

"Huh? Why?"

to buy

as saucers; she looked as if she was asking Cordy just what in

Cordy had done

Not what Zoe was

didn't want to

others to believe something that she herself found it hard to

and simply walked out

it felt like Cordy was giving off a

satisfied through the night usually looked like

to her cousin with a leer

even more excited than the ones

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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