Chapter 279

After Cordy left work, she headed straight to John’s apartment.

It was only after she arrived and saw the food placed on the table that she remembered that she hadn't eaten.

In fact, she had forgotten that it was now dinnertime.

Winston invited her to join them eagerly, while Dicky was also hugging her leg and saying, * Mommy! I missed you so much! Let's eat together- Winston made us a lot of good food.”

Unable to resist Dicky's enthusiasm, and because she afforded Kyle an opening to attack her because she wasn't eating well that one time, Cordy wouldn’t allow herself to repeat the same amateur mistake.

Even if Kyle was dead, John lives-and he was far more dangerous than Kyle.

As she sat at the dining table, John never once spoke to her and maintained his noble aloofness.

Cordy finally looked at the food on the table to see that almost every dish was her favorite.

She then remembered that Dicky’s tastes were just like hers; therefore this wasn't the least bit surprising.

Picking up her knife and fork, she started eating.

Dicky's chipper voice made it obvious how happy he was to

put down her knife and fork,

choked from

plans to marry, and even less so now that she had a son; let alone have another


"I’m full now. I'd be

to be as big as daddy and protect

how bad things got, all was right with the world as long

shatter soon after; and it

little desk, she spent an hour teaching him the proper pronunciation; to

actually skeptical if her 1600 SAT score was just

She simply couldn't understand.

baby—her own flesh and blood—was simply unable

knuckles to restrain herself, finally realizing that peace in the family was possible

mothers, she would turn into the stereotypical wicked stepmother

repeatedly told herself that she

I stupid, Mommy?" Dicky leveled a sad puppy look at her, perhaps

be harsh with him, they left in tears from sheer helplessness. One of them bawled so hard,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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