Chapter 303

Sam was waiting outside the detention center when Quinn stepped out.

Returning to her car with him behind the wheel, he asked, "How's Cordy?"

"Calm and composed," Quinn replied. "I asked for the specifics, and it turns out that there are plenty of aspects about her case to be used for a

rebuttal. We just need to investigate it and she'll be safe... By the way, have you told Mr. Levine that we can't bail Cordy?"

"Cant reach him."

"In flight?"

"No. Alan Levine is holding him abroad."

Quinn actually turned toward Sam just then.

"It's pointless even if you stare at me like that.’ Sam shrugged. ’The old man still has the last say in his family. No matter how much influence John has, he'd never win against his own grandfather."

"But we’d have no chance of investigating Cordy’s case without him," Quinn said.

him. Let's just hope

"Yeah," Quinn replied.

then, she whipped out her


are you right

a flight back. Cordy's

Zoe worrying from

this," Quinn said. "I'm now her legal advisor, and we

Zoe asked in

I cant post bail,"

"Sh*t! Why not?!"

me get

paused then, realizing she

in the case, but right now, we don't have the reach to

called him. He's probably

saying that your grandfather

"What?!" Zoe exclaimed furiously.

reach out to him. I have a handle on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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