Chapter 314

John eventually asked, "Do you mind if I take a copy?" "No," Cordy replied.

"Thank you."

Cordy pursed her lips—he was thanking her even though he was helping her with her case.

"I'm going now. I’ll call you right away if there's any development s on my end," he said and left without a delay.

"I only have two weeks,' Cordy reminded him.

"I know."

With that, she watched as he left.

He had looked composed and showed no nerves when he read the file, but he left in such a hurry.

So, it was going to be difficult for him too?

but she and Quinn probably did

do," Zoe told her. "She said that she'll inform you immediately once she has something on the case and that you should contact her as well if you get something.

"Alright," Cordy replied.

to read through her case files again, Zoe was staring at her for a

looking up, "What is

about John..."

Cordy pursed her lips.

silent, she did not tell Zoe

definitely had no say in his engagement with Jessica. I have the feeling that he wasn't doing well in sorting out things between him, you, and Jessica, but there was no way it would work now

had started a relationship with you and the Stuarts now know about you, you were never going to escape unscathed. Of course, it's also impossible for John to cut all ties with you right away to

you to force John to play to their tune. I'm not accusing

that in case Cordy misunderstood something, and she did not want Cordy to hate

he must now be under

would never allow you to come to harm even if it kills him," Zoe added determinedly. "So you shouldn't give him such a hard time.

said, her tone even like always. ’ We already

agreement?’ Zoe asked in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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