Chapter 316

As Zoe headed to the film set, Penny quickly followed.

Her stunt double already had her wire harness on, while Jay stood beside her and explained his directions.

The stunt double looked almost the same age as Zoe and was quite the docile creature.

Zoe herself had heard more than a few others in the film crew praising her.

With her good looks and willingness to suffer, she would be able to rise to stardom once she got lucky.

As Zoe stood and watched her stunt double being raised into the air, she started to feel fear and her body trembled just from looking.

stunt double to a nice dinner and

a loud snapping sound overhead, and the stunt double hovering up in the air was suddenly wobbling before

in shock, while Zoe was left petrified and watched as the stunt double fell dozens of

other woman and

from the cameras and picked Zoe off the floor, shouting on top of his lungs, "Get them to

rest finally reacted then, and several men dashed up to carry Zoe and the stunt

put into a small car and rushed to the emergency

was no telling

in the corridor, his whole body

Nancy Levine and Ivan York rushed to the scene, visibly

went up to ask, "What happened to Zoe, Jay? How

his best to stay calm and explain, "A wire snapped, and the stunt double

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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