Chapter 363

"Mommy, I really love seeing our family like this," Richard suddenly remarked.

Cordy was slightly taken aback. "Like what?"

"The three of us together, going to the grocery store, cooking dinner and enjoying it," Richard said naturally.

Cordy pursed her lips.

At that moment, she had no idea what to say in response to Richard.

"Mommy, don't you like it too?" Richard blinked innocently as he asked her.

"Of course." Cordy smiled in agreement. "Mommy likes whatever Dicky likes."

"Mommy, you're the best to me in this whole wide world! I love Mommy!" Richard said sweetly.

Cordy did not know how someone as sullen and reserved as John could raise such a sweet-talking child as Richard.

was busy washing

wanted to help, but Cordy rejected him outright because she clearly

together on the couch, and Richard suddenly asked solemnly, "Daddy, how long more are you

heard his son's question. He turned to

can't put on this act for much

not hold

differently in front of Cordy compared to his usual

over anytime soon, I won't be able to

my best." John had no words to refute his

there are so many girls in my school who like me? I

had always held his father in high

his father turn slow and dull in this sole

met your mommy," John explained,

"I don't."


the time comes for me to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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