Chapter 365

Everyone was shocked to silence at her words.

Even Simon and Sonny were shocked speechless.

Noel handed the document over to her assistant standing behind her. "Give it to my father, my beloved brother, and every senior director in the room."

"Yes, Chairman."

The assistant hurriedly handed out the documents to Simon and everyone else.

The document stated everything in black and white, leaving everyone with no choice but to believe that Noel had indeed become the largest shareholder of Sachs Enterprises.

Noel looked at the looks of disbelief on Simon and Sonny’s face and sneered.

back and desperately ached for the chance to stand

feeling of looking down on all of them from her place of power

there are no further questions, Father, Sonny, please sit here." Noel pointed at the

had always taken the highest position over the years at Sachs Enterprises. How could he swallow such humiliation especially at the look on Noel's face? Although he did not throw a fit in front of the other senior directors, he

closely behind

neither worry nor fear at Simon's anger. She

hosted the meeting as if nothing

meeting, Noel

moment she sat down, her door was kicked open by

Noel looked up nonchalantly.

You secretly bought over so much of Sachs Enterprises' shares? Where did you get the money from? How did you manage this?! Noel, how dare you fight with me for the family

filled with shameless women-you and Cordy are

nasty to the

Just look at what a useless bum you are and you dare dream about inheriting Sachs Enterprises?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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