Chapter 368

She always had her say in the Sachs household!

"What exactly were you thinking when you put Cordy down in front of the media, saying that the Sachs family will never beg her for help for anything? Now you've cut off our only hope! You have no sense at all, despite being so advanced in years!" Simon scolded.

He shifted all blame and responsibility to Plum.

" dare you say that of me?! I'm your mother, Simon. Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?!’ Plum's face paled as she yelled back.

"If you weren't my mother, I would have chased you out of the house long ago! You're so ungrateful even after enjoying good times at our house for so many years!" Anger rose in Simon's chest as he spoke.

The thought of him being the butt of everyone else's jokes made him furious with nowhere to vent his anger.

he suddenly stood up from the couch and kicked the coffee table. The cups on the table smashed on

he left upstairs

turned red


when her son whom she had raised since young would scold her

scolding you like this. You were being unreasonable." Sonny threw

dearly on and gave everything she had was turning

of you are ingrates!" Plum said, her

Sue felt inexplicably gleeful.

Sachs Enterprises, she could understand why she did so. She had given

comforted Plum with feigned care and concern.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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