Chapter 371

The journalists were pestering them endlessly, and Sue answered reluctantly, "Cordy Sachs was verbally abusive towards my mother-in-law. She even pushed her a couple times and almost knocked her down. My mother's already seventy, and certainly couldn't take it if I didn't catch her... She's very distraught, and it took her a long while to calm down and leave. Please don't disturb her-she just wanted the best for the children, and for peace in the family."

With that, she helped Plum leave.

The journalists didn't dare to give chase, since Plum was indeed very old- no one could afford the responsibility if she fainted again, or if something even worse happened.

Cordy stood before the glass wall in her office, staring coolly as the journalists downstairs dispersed.

To Vince, who was standing behind her, she said, "Go to security. Request for footage of Plum Lang in my office, and send it to the media immediately."

After all, Cordy would never hold back against the Sachs.

"Yes, Miss Sachs," Vince replied respectfully.

In the afternoon, various media outlets were publishing articles of Cordy being abusive towards her grandmother Plum Lang. The topic soon became trending.

there, new articles refuting that

to a joke.

were all amongst the criticisms shot her

across the first with the back of her palm, leaving a huge crimson swell on

was bent on venting all her frustrations

let me off easy, yet you still suggested something

was just as

she would always be struck and

a person, not

raised her hand and slapped Plum back,

once more livid; how dare Sue lay a finger

Sue get the

Sue Yorkman!" Plum snarled, her

come good on her threat. Sue suddenly dropped on the floor beside the tea table;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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