Chapter 390

Jay watched as Zoe headed to the distance, and smiled wistfully.

It seemed he was the only one who couldn’t get over the past.

As he rose to his feet, his whole body seemed frozen stiff.

He thought about leaving, but for some reason, he was following Zoe instead, keeping a distance between them as he did.

It was very cold and very late, so there weren't many others on the streets.

Zoe was it was dangerous to be alone.

Zoe didn't notice she was being followed, since her only thought was to have her apple pie and head back.

Soon, she arrived at the stall and made an order. The owner asked her," Your boyfriend's not with you today?"

"He's busy," she replied, keeping her head lowered.

still a public figure. Thus, she didn't want to be

came by this one time, and was worried it’d get cold before he got home, so he kept it under his

blossom in

to stay home, and Bob would come out here to buy her apple

of a man he was! She would be dating him

that she was so eager to humiliate

you eat too fast," the

replied, and called Bob while she

flirting with Bob over the phone, and what

her disguise back on and started

snow-the first snow

skies, crossing the road as she shared her joy with


felt her whole body being knocked

dropping to a crouch to

question about it-Zoe had been pushed

the one struck lay just in front of

and she couldn't recognize that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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