Chapter 1384

Marvin was certainly left dumbfounded by Lindsay's words.

Even so, he had gotten used to such preferential treatment toward his boys that it was impossible for him to realize that and change.

It was the same for Lindsay too-despite speaking at length on the issue, she had trouble actually changing how she treated Ryan and Sam.

Sighing, she said, "Let's just be more understanding of Sam from now on."

Meanwhile, Quinn was absolutely frustrated since she could not catch up with Sam at all.

The man was tall and walked very fast-she would never catch up with her short legs, and she was already out of breath before long.

"Sam!" she cried, but he pretended not to hear and continued onward without a care.

threw herself on the floor and yelled,

ground and kept screaming at

turned and ran to her side, dropping to a crouch beside

hurt?" There was

however, grabbed him by the wrists and told him,"

frowned. "I’m asking you where

you dare run away again," Quinn repeated, holding on to his

darkly and suddenly scooped her up in

you taking me?" she asked,

a doctor,"

around his neck. "I faked my fall because I couldn't

and glared icily at her, but she simply clung on to him. "Whatever. Don't you leave me behind like

for?" Sam scoffed. "I'm a useless 30-year-old who can't even act my age. Don’t you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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