Chapter 1394

"We're continuing to lose capital on the project, and that will go on if we can't get the joint venture," Sam retorted. "I'm only proposing scrapping the new energy car project if the proposed joint venture is turned down. If we get it, we're definitely going through with it. We're simply discussing the policy implemented for both scenarios to be prepared for anything so Saunderia has a strategic goal to strive for."

"I don't think you're getting the joint venture," Ryan said bluntly. "Or to put it frankly, I hold no hope in your business trip. We can presume there won't be one."

Sam pursed his lips-Ryan was directly denying his competence in front of the entire board.

And perhaps because he had been bullied ever since they were children, it was as if there was this vast gap between them.

when Ryan said that he was a failure, he was

And I made it very clear earlier-l do not agree with the new energy car project being scrapped. We shall continue to pour all

entire project has completely

there weren't

rebuffed with public skepticism regarding product


I hence propose that all personnel in Saunderia- from executives to the janitor-switch to using our cars. The public would naturally come to trust our cars' quality at that point and be

everyone including Sam and Quinn in

a brow. "If no one's speaking up,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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