Chapter 1418

Quinn blushed even harder.

She had no idea how things stood between herself and Sam as of yet, but it was definitely not at the stage of having children.

Sam was getting embarrassed too and quickly said, "You don't have to worry about us-we get it."

"I really think you don't," Lindsay huffed. "Your children would be running around now if you did your job!"

"Mom!" Sam cried, speechless. "Cut it out."

"Fine, I'll stop-but I must warn you, Sam, you're not getting a better woman if you lose Quinn. You'd be forever alone, regretting it for life!"

"I know.” Sam snorted impatiently, but he was not arguing the point.

Nearby, Ryan was left glowering as he listened and suddenly got up to leave the drawing room.

Everyone turned toward him because of his sudden departure, and Sam naturally knew what Ryan was upset about.

glance at Quinn, who was staring as

knee-jerk reaction and nothing else, and when she sensed Sam

gaze, as if telling him

his eyes, but he was celebrating

gotten over Ryan, had she

Ryan left too but never mentioned him. They were mostly discussing Marvin's birthday and urging Sam and

often worked overtime. As such, they would usually be exhausted and go to bed once they

meant things got a

embarrassing for them to be in each other's company, even when

'TH be going with your mom to help organize your dad's birthday banquet, so I

"Okay." Sam nodded.

on the right track now, so don't work overtime


with that, they both fell silent

sighed-she should just take her

in courtship, so it could be just her. That was

he just did

she said, "It's late. I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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