
Grinning widely, I took in the scent of my mate who had just walked into our apartment. His presence always comes with comfort and tranquility which is almost unbelievable. No matter how agitated I got, once he was near, all my troubles were thrown out of the window.

I organized some of the clothes in the closet and walked into the bedroom to find him leaning against the door, smiling back at me.

“Hey,” I whispered. Thanks to our werewolf sharp hearing genetics, I was one hundred percent sure he could hear me.

“Hey, baby. You smell so fucking good,” he wrapped his hands around my waist and placed his head in the crooks of my neck to inhale my scent.

My man! My Darius! I can’t believe I can be in love like this with someone after such a short period.

Darius and I found each other about three weeks ago. He was twenty-two and I had just turned eighteen. We were each other’s long awaited love and we didn’t wait to soak in the joy of our mating. The only thing stopping him from marking me was the Marking Ceremony usually organized by the pack and the next one would happen in a few days.

Immediately after we found each other, I moved in with him despite my parents’ pleas not to. They told me I would regret it because of Darius’s bad reputation but I wished I could tell it to their faces now that I didn’t.

I leaned back into his strong body and murmured his name again. Darius stands at 6 feet 2 inches while I was 5″5. He was a giant compared to my height. His handsome face was adorned by a chiseled jawline, piercing eyes, his nose, perfect, and a captivating smile. I knew I hit a jackpot with Darius. All the girls in the pack were probably jealous that Darius was my mate.

“I need to prepare dinner, Darius,” I whispered. He was staring at me, his eyes piercing into mine, passing a message of desire and want.

“I need you, Angel. If I don’t have you, I could drop dead,” he called me Angel. His Angel! He said I came into his life when he needed a light and I came with that light.

As I laughed at his words, his lips met with mine and he began kissing me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. His tongue touching mine, sucking every word, we’ve laughter every out of my lips.

Gently, he lifted me into his hands and walked us to the bed. Darius never had sex anywhere other than the bedroom. He believed it was ‘dirty’ to have sex anywhere else.

Dropping me on the bed, I quickly untangled my hands from around his neck so I could tear that shirt off his perfect body. I did and he lifted my gown over my head. Thank goodness I was naked underneath that cloth.

“Fuck,” he murmured. He didn’t waste any time before he plastered my face with kisses. “I missed you, my Angel.”

me this

and gasped when he suddenly sucked on my nipples. He placed his hard cock

my lips, stopping me from begging any further. “I

into me and

on me, Angel,” he commanded

“Good girl,”

with gentle thrusts. Every touch, every kiss, every caress was logged in my brain for a

world crumbled right in front of me and I

leaving me! For

lived in lies, deceit, and everything, everyone I sacrificed for my mate yielded nothing. I left my family to be with the same man who’s the Alpha’s bastard son, and now, he stood there to tell me he wouldn’t mark me because his mother

his face but I couldn’t even find the inner strength

telling me that… you’re standing there to tell me it’s over between us,”

to understand,

raising a finger. “Call

he tried touching me but I

you, Darius. Fuck

into his body but I struggled to wiggle away because I didn’t like

responsibility lies ahead of me,

responsibility is that?” I asked again the same way

as if he had said the wrong thing. “I can’t tell you,

his decisions. “Fine, when are you leaving?” “Once the Alpha approves my departure,” he answered. His father was the Alpha and even though he was a bastard son of his, that man wouldn’t hesitate to give him

this is

while we’ve been together, I didn’t want to believe that

“What are you doing?”

me stuff his clothes

“I’m helping you pack,”

not leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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